Friday, February 1, 2008

Month gone by already

The month of Janurary is gone already. We had a great month with all the kids visiting at one time or another. We missed seeing Tom and Alicia, but with their new baby Isabella, they didn't want to take her out. They all came up to the Rexburg Temple open house. what a great experience that was.
We are also having a winter for the first time in a few years, we have snow clear up to my waist. It's great to have the snow I hope it doesn't all melt at the same time. We still wonder why we decided to stay in this country. It has been a good place to raise our children and some of the weather is not bad.


Toby and Tammy said...

Crazy! You like this much snow??? I bet Becky would disagree..... :)
Glad you updated. Let's try and keep it a monthly thing! he he

Tory and Elizabeth said...

We love updates. It definitely was great to visit and be with family.